/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package ec.weka; import ec.EvolutionState; import ec.Individual; import ec.util.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; /* * Evolve.java * * Created: Wed Aug 11 17:49:01 1999 * By: Sean Luke */ /** * Evolve is the main entry class for an evolutionary computation run. * *

* An EC run is done with one of two argument formats: * *

* java ec.Evolve -file parameter_file [-p * parameter=value]* * *

* This starts a new evolutionary run, using the parameter file * parameter_file. The user can provide optional overriding parameters on * the command-line with the -p option. * *

* java ec.Evolve -checkpoint checkpoint_file * *

* This starts up an evolutionary run from a previous checkpoint file. * *

* The basic Evolve class has a main() loop with a simple job iteration * facility. If you'd like to run the evolutionary system four times, each with * a different random seed, you might do: * *

* java ec.Evolve -file parameter_file -p jobs=4 * *

* Here, Evolve will run the first time with the random seed equal to whatever's * specified in your file, then job#2 will be run with the seed + 1, job#3 with * the seed + 2, and job#4 with the seed + 3. If you have multiple seeds, ECJ * will try to make sure they're all different even across jobs by adding the * job number * numberOfSeeds to each of them. This means that if you're doing * multiple jobs with multiple seeds, you should probably set seed.0 to x, * seed.1 to x+1, seed.2 to x+2, etc. for best results. It also works if seed.0 * is x, seed.1 is y (a number much bigger than x), seed.2 is z (a number much * bigger than y) etc. * * If you set seed.0=time etc. for multiple jobs, the values of each seed will * be set to the current time that the job starts plus the job number * * numberOfSeeds. As current time always goes up, this shouldn't be an issue. * However it's theoretically possible that if you checkpoint and restart on * another system with a clock set back in time, you could get the same seed in * a later job. * *

* main() has been designed to be modified. The comments for the * Evolve.java file contain a lot discussion of how ECJ's main() bootstraps the * EvolutionState object and runs it, plus a much simpler example of main() and * explanations for how main() works. * * *

* Parameters
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
int >= 1 (default)
(The number of jobs to iterate. The current job number * (0...jobs-1) will be added to each seed UNLESS the seed is loaded from the * system time. The job number also gets added as a prefix (if the number of * jobs is more than 1)).
* bool = true or false (default)
(should the ec.util.Output facility not store * announcements in memory?)
* bool = true or false (default)
(should I flush all output as soon as it's printed (useful for * debugging when an exception occurs))
* int >= 1
(the number of threads to spawn for evaluation)
* int >= 1
(the number of threads to spawn for breeding)
* int != 0, or string = time
(the seed for random number generator #n. n * should range from 0 to Max(evalthreads,breedthreads)-1. If value is * time, then the seed is based on the system clock plus n.)
* classname, inherits and != ec.EvolutionState
(the EvolutionState object class)
* bool = true or false (default)
(at the end of a run, do we print out a list of all the * parameters requested during the run?)
* bool = true or false (default)
(at the end of a run, do we print out a list of all the * parameters actually used during the run?)
* bool = true or false (default)
(at the end of a run, do we print out a list of all the * parameters NOT requested during the run?)
* bool = true or false (default)
(at the end of a run, do we print out a list of all the * parameters NOT actually used during the run?)
* bool = true or false (default)
(at the end of a run, do we print out a list of all the * parameters stored in the parameter database?)
* * * @author Sean Luke * @version 1.0 */ public class Evolve { public final static String P_PRINTACCESSEDPARAMETERS = "print-accessed-params"; public final static String P_PRINTUSEDPARAMETERS = "print-used-params"; public final static String P_PRINTALLPARAMETERS = "print-all-params"; public final static String P_PRINTUNUSEDPARAMETERS = "print-unused-params"; public final static String P_PRINTUNACCESSEDPARAMETERS = "print-unaccessed-params"; /** The argument indicating that we're starting up from a checkpoint file. */ public static final String A_CHECKPOINT = "-checkpoint"; /** * The argument indicating that we're starting fresh from a new parameter * file. */ public static final String A_FILE = "-file"; /** evalthreads parameter */ public static final String P_EVALTHREADS = "evalthreads"; /** breedthreads parameter */ public static final String P_BREEDTHREADS = "breedthreads"; /** seed parameter */ public static final String P_SEED = "seed"; /** 'time' seed parameter value */ public static final String V_SEED_TIME = "time"; /** state parameter */ public static final String P_STATE = "state"; /** 'auto' thread parameter value */ public static final String V_THREADS_AUTO = "auto"; /** * Restores an EvolutionState from checkpoint if "-checkpoint FILENAME" is * in the command-line arguments. */ public static EvolutionState possiblyRestoreFromCheckpoint(String[] args) { for (int x = 0; x < args.length - 1; x++) if (args[x].equals(A_CHECKPOINT)) { System.err.println("Restoring from Checkpoint " + args[x + 1]); try { return Checkpoint.restoreFromCheckpoint(args[x + 1]); } catch (Exception e) { Output .initialError("An exception was generated upon starting up from a checkpoint.\nHere it is:\n" + e); } } return null; // should never happen } /** * Loads a ParameterDatabase from checkpoint if "-params" is in the * command-line arguments. */ public static ParameterDatabase loadParameterDatabase(String[] args) { ParameterDatabase parameters = null; for (int x = 0; x < args.length - 1; x++) if (args[x].equals(A_FILE)) try { parameters = new ParameterDatabase(new File(new File( args[x + 1]).getAbsolutePath()), args); break; } catch (Exception e) { Output .initialError("An exception was generated upon reading the parameter file \"" + args[x + 1] + "\".\nHere it is:\n" + e); } if (parameters == null) Output.initialError("No parameter file was specified."); return parameters; } /** Loads the number of threads. */ public static int determineThreads(Output output, ParameterDatabase parameters, Parameter threadParameter) { int thread = 1; String tmp_s = parameters.getString(threadParameter, null); if (tmp_s == null) // uh oh { output.fatal("Threads number must exist.", threadParameter, null); } else if (V_THREADS_AUTO.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp_s)) { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { return ((Integer) runtime.getClass().getMethod( "availableProcessors", (Class[]) null).invoke(runtime, (Object[]) null)).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { output .fatal( "Whoa! This Java version is too old to have the Runtime.availableProcessors() method available.\n" + "This means you can't use 'auto' as a threads option.", threadParameter, null); } } else { try { thread = parameters.getInt(threadParameter, null); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { output.fatal("Invalid, non-integer threads value (" + thread + ")", threadParameter, null); } } return thread; } /** * Primes the generator. Mersenne Twister seeds its first 624 numbers using * a basic linear congruential generator; thereafter it uses the * MersenneTwister algorithm to build new seeds. Those first 624 numbers are * generally just fine, but to be extra safe, you can prime the generator by * calling nextInt() on it some (N>1) * 624 times. This method does exactly * that, presently with N=2. */ public static MersenneTwisterFast primeGenerator( MersenneTwisterFast generator) { for (int i = 0; i < 624 * 2; i++) generator.nextInt(); return generator; } /** * Loads a random generator seed. First, the seed is loaded from the * seedParameter. If the parameter is V_SEED_TIME, the seed is set to the * currentTime value. Then the seed is incremented by the offset. This * method is broken out of initialize(...) primarily to share code with * ec.eval.MasterProblem. */ public static int determineSeed(Output output, ParameterDatabase parameters, Parameter seedParameter, long currentTime, int offset, boolean auto) { int seed = 1; // have to initialize to make the compiler happy String tmp_s = parameters.getString(seedParameter, null); if (tmp_s == null && !auto) // uh oh { output.fatal("Seed must exist.", seedParameter, null); } else if (V_SEED_TIME.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp_s) || (tmp_s == null && auto)) { if (tmp_s == null && auto) output .warnOnce("Using automatic determination number of threads, but not all seeds are defined.\nThe rest will be defined using the wall clock time."); seed = (int) currentTime; // using low-order bits so it's probably // okay if (seed == 0) output .fatal( "Whoa! This Java version is returning 0 for System.currentTimeMillis(), which ain't right. This means you can't use '" + V_SEED_TIME + "' as a seed ", seedParameter, null); } else { try { seed = parameters.getInt(seedParameter, null); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { output.fatal("Invalid, non-integer seed value (" + seed + ")", seedParameter, null); } } return seed + offset; } /** * Initializes an evolutionary run given the parameters and a random seed * adjustment (added to each random seed). The adjustment offers a * convenient way to change the seeds of the random number generators each * time you do a new evolutionary run. You are of course welcome to replace * the random number generators after initialize(...) but before * startFresh(...) */ public static EvolutionState initialize(ParameterDatabase parameters, int randomSeedOffset) { Output output; // 1. create the output output = new Output(true); // stdout is always log #0. stderr is always log #1. // stderr accepts announcements, and both are fully verbose // by default. output.addLog(ec.util.Log.D_STDOUT, false); output.addLog(ec.util.Log.D_STDERR, true); // now continue intialization return initialize(parameters, randomSeedOffset, output); } /** * Initializes an evolutionary run given the parameters and a random seed * adjustment (added to each random seed), with the Output pre-constructed. * The adjustment offers a convenient way to change the seeds of the random * number generators each time you do a new evolutionary run. You are of * course welcome to replace the random number generators after * initialize(...) but before startFresh(...) */ public static EvolutionState initialize(ParameterDatabase parameters, int randomSeedOffset, Output output) { EvolutionState state = null; MersenneTwisterFast[] random; int[] seeds; int breedthreads = 1; int evalthreads = 1; boolean store; int x; // output was already created for us. output.systemMessage(Version.message()); // 2. set up thread values breedthreads = Evolve.determineThreads(output, parameters, new Parameter(P_BREEDTHREADS)); evalthreads = Evolve.determineThreads(output, parameters, new Parameter(P_EVALTHREADS)); boolean auto = (V_THREADS_AUTO.equalsIgnoreCase(parameters.getString( new Parameter(P_BREEDTHREADS), null)) || V_THREADS_AUTO .equalsIgnoreCase(parameters.getString(new Parameter( P_EVALTHREADS), null))); // at least one thread is // automatic. Seeds may need to // be dynamic. // 3. create the Mersenne Twister random number generators, // one per thread random = new MersenneTwisterFast[breedthreads > evalthreads ? breedthreads : evalthreads]; seeds = new int[random.length]; String seedMessage = "Seed: "; int time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis()); for (x = 0; x < random.length; x++) { seeds[x] = determineSeed(output, parameters, new Parameter(P_SEED) .push("" + x), time + x, random.length * randomSeedOffset, auto); for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) if (seeds[x] == seeds[y]) output.fatal(P_SEED + "." + x + " (" + seeds[x] + ") and " + P_SEED + "." + y + " (" + seeds[y] + ") ought not be the same seed.", null, null); random[x] = Evolve .primeGenerator(new MersenneTwisterFast(seeds[x])); // we // prime // the // generator // to be // more // sure // of // randomness. seedMessage = seedMessage + seeds[x] + " "; } // 4. Start up the evolution // what evolution state to use? state = (EvolutionState) parameters.getInstanceForParameter( new Parameter(P_STATE), null, EvolutionState.class); state.parameters = parameters; state.random = random; state.output = output; state.evalthreads = evalthreads; state.breedthreads = breedthreads; state.randomSeedOffset = randomSeedOffset; output.systemMessage("Threads: breed/" + breedthreads + " eval/" + evalthreads); output.systemMessage(seedMessage); return state; } /** * Begins a fresh evolutionary run with a given state. The state should have * been provided by initialize(...). The jobPrefix is added to the front of * output and checkpoint filenames. If it's null, nothing is added to the * front. */ public static void cleanup(EvolutionState state) { // flush the output state.output.flush(); // Possibly print out the run parameters PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.err); // before we print out access information, we need to still "get" these // parameters, so that they show up as accessed and gotten. state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTUSEDPARAMETERS), null, false); state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTACCESSEDPARAMETERS), null, false); state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTUNUSEDPARAMETERS), null, false); state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTUNACCESSEDPARAMETERS), null, false); state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTALLPARAMETERS), null, false); // ...okay, here we go... if (state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTUSEDPARAMETERS), null, false)) { pw.println("\n\nUsed Parameters\n===============\n"); state.parameters.listGotten(pw); } if (state.parameters.getBoolean( new Parameter(P_PRINTACCESSEDPARAMETERS), null, false)) { pw.println("\n\nAccessed Parameters\n===================\n"); state.parameters.listAccessed(pw); } if (state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTUNUSEDPARAMETERS), null, false)) { pw.println("\n\nUnused Parameters\n" + "================= (Ignore parent.x references) \n"); state.parameters.listNotGotten(pw); } if (state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter( P_PRINTUNACCESSEDPARAMETERS), null, false)) { pw .println("\n\nUnaccessed Parameters\n" + "=shyrion==================== (Ignore parent.x references) \n"); state.parameters.listNotAccessed(pw); } if (state.parameters.getBoolean(new Parameter(P_PRINTALLPARAMETERS), null, false)) { pw.println("\n\nAll Parameters\n==============\n"); // list only the parameters visible. Shadowed parameters not shown state.parameters.list(pw, false); } pw.flush(); System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); // finish by closing down Output. This is because gzipped and other // buffered // streams just don't shut write themselves out, and finalize isn't // called // on them because Java's being obnoxious. Pretty stupid. state.output.close(); } public static boolean inheritedFromClass(Object o, String superClass) { Class c = o.getClass(); while (c != null) { if (c.getName().equals(superClass)) return true; c = c.getSuperclass(); } return false; } /* * * MAIN * * Evolve has... evolved from previous Evolves. The goal behind these * changes is: 1. To provide a simple jobs facility 2. To make it easy for * you to make your own main(), including more sophisticated jobs * facilities. * * Before we get into the specifics of this file, let's first look at the * main evolution loop in EvolutionState.java. The general code is: 1. If I * was loaded from a checkpoint, call the hook startFromCheckpoint() 2. If * I'm instead starting from scratch, call the hook startFresh() 3. Loop: 4. * result = evolve() 5. If result != EvolutionState.R_NOTDONE, break from * loop 6. Call the hook finish(result) * * That's all there's to it. Various EvolutionState classes need to * implement the startFromCheckpoint, startFresh, evolve, and finish * methods. This basic evolution loop is encapsulated in a convenience * method called EvolutionState.run(...). * * Evolve.java is little more than code to fire up the right EvolutionState * class, call run(...), and then shut down. The complexity mostly comes * from bringing up the class (loading it from checkpoint or from scratch) * and in shutting down. Here's the general mechanism: * * - To load from checkpoint, we must find the checkpoint filename and call * Checkpoint.restoreFromCheckpoint(filename) to generate the EvolutionState * instance. Evolve.java provides a convenience function for this called * possiblyRestoreFromCheckpoint(...), which returns null if there *isn't* a * checkpoint file to load from. Else it returns the unfrozen * EvolutionState. * * - To instead set up from scratch, you have to do a bunch of stuff to set * up the state. First, you need to load a parameter database. Evolve.java * has a convenience function for that called loadParameterDatabase(...). * Second, you must do a series of items: (1) generate an Output object (2) * identify the number of threads (3) create the MersenneTwisterFast random * number generators (4) instantiate the EvolutionState subclass instance * (5) plug these items, plus the random seed offset and the parameter * database, into the instance. These five steps are done for you in a * convenience function called initialize(...). * * - Now the state is ready to go. Call run(...) on your EvolutionState (or * do the evolution loop described above manually if you wish) * * - Finally, to shut down, you need to (1) flush the Output (2) print out * the used, accessed, unused, unaccessed, and all parameters if the user * requested a printout at the end [rarely] (3) flush System.err and * System.out for good measure, and (4) close Output -- which closes its * streams except for System.err and System.out. There is a convenience * function for this as well. It's called cleanup(...). * * - Last, you shut down with System.exit(0) -- very important because it * quits any remaining threads the user might have had running and forgot * about. * * So there you have it. Several convenience functions in Evolve... * Evolve.possiblyRestoreFromCheckpoint Evolve.loadParameterDatabase * Evolve.initialize EvolutionState.run Evolve.cleanup ... result in a very * simple basic main() function: * * * public static void main(String[] args) { EvolutionState state = * possiblyRestoreFromCheckpoint(args); if (state!=null) // loaded from * checkpoint state.run(EvolutionState.C_STARTED_FROM_CHECKPOINT); else { * state = initialize(loadParameterDatabase(args), 0); * state.run(EvolutionState.C_STARTED_FRESH); } cleanup(state); * System.exit(0); } * * * Piece of cake! * * The more extravagant main(...) you see below just has a few extra gizmos * for doing basic job iteration. EvolutionState has two convenience slots * for doing job iteration: * * job (an Object[] use this as you like) runtimeArguments (a String[] put * args in here) * * The reason these are slots in EvolutionState is so you can store this * information across checkpoints and continue where you had started * job-number-wise when the user starts up from a checkpoint again. * * You'll probably want the EvolutionState to output its stat files etc. * using unique prefixes to differentiate between jobs (0.stat, 1.stat, or * whatever you like -- it doesn't have to be numbers), and you'll also * probably want checkpoint files to be similarly prefixed. So you'll * probably want to do: * * state.output.setFilePrefix(jobPrefix); state.checkpointPrefix = jobPrefix * + state.checkpointPrefix; * * The extravagant main below is basically doing this. We're using state.job * to stash away a single iterated job number, stored as an Integer in * state.job[0], and then iterating that way, making sure we stash the job * number and runtime arguments each time so we can recover them when * loading from checkpoint. We use the "jobs" parameter to determine how * many jobs to run. If this number is 1, we don't even bother to set the * file prefixes, so ECJ generates files just like it used to. * * It's important to note that this main was created with the assumption * that you might modify it for your own purposes. Do you want a nested * loop, perhaps to do all combinations of two parameters or something? * Rewrite it to use two array slots in the job array. Want to store more * information on a per-job basis? Feel free to use the job array any way * you like -- it's ONLY used by this main() loop. */ /** Top-level evolutionary loop. */ public static Individual[][] run(String[] args) { EvolutionState state; ParameterDatabase parameters; // if we're loading from checkpoint, let's finish out the most recent // job state = possiblyRestoreFromCheckpoint(args); int currentJob = 0; // the next job number (0 by default) // this simple job iterator just uses the 'jobs' parameter, iterating // from 0 to 'jobs' - 1 // inclusive. The current job number is stored in state.jobs[0], so // we'll begin there if // we had loaded from checkpoint. if (state != null) // loaded from checkpoint { if (!inheritedFromClass(state, "ec.weka.EvolutionStateForWeka") && !inheritedFromClass(state.statistics, "ec.weka.StatisticsForWeka")) { return new Individual[0][0]; } ((StatisticsForWeka)state.statistics).putBestJobsFromCopy(); // extract the next job number from state.job[0] (where in this // example we'll stash it) try { if (state.runtimeArguments == null) Output .initialError("Checkpoint completed from job started by foreign program (probably GUI). Exiting..."); args = state.runtimeArguments; // restore runtime arguments from // checkpoint currentJob = ((Integer) (state.job[0])).intValue() + 1; // extract // next // job // number } catch (Exception e) { Output .initialError("EvolutionState's jobs variable is not set up properly. Exiting..."); } state.run(EvolutionState.C_STARTED_FROM_CHECKPOINT); if (inheritedFromClass(state.statistics, "ec.weka.StatisticsForWeka")) { StatisticsForWeka.bestOfJobs[currentJob-1] = ((StatisticsForWeka) state.statistics) .getBestSoFar(); } else { return new Individual[0][0]; } cleanup(state); } // A this point we've finished out any previously-checkpointed job. If // there was // one such job, we've updated the current job number (currentJob) to // the next number. // Otherwise currentJob is 0. // Now we're going to load the parameter database to see if there are // any more jobs. // We could have done this using the previous parameter database, but // it's no big deal. boolean initBests = false; parameters = loadParameterDatabase(args); if (currentJob == 0) { // no current job number yet currentJob = parameters.getIntWithDefault(new Parameter( "current-job"), null, 0); } if (currentJob < 0) Output .initialError("The 'current-job' parameter must be >= 0 (or not exist, which defaults to 0)"); int numJobs = parameters.getIntWithDefault(new Parameter("jobs"), null, 1); if (numJobs < 1) Output .initialError("The 'jobs' parameter must be >= 1 (or not exist, which defaults to 1)"); if (!StatisticsForWeka.staticBestInit) { StatisticsForWeka.bestOfJobs = new Individual[numJobs][]; StatisticsForWeka.staticBestInit = true; } // Now we know how many jobs remain. Let's loop for that many jobs. Each // time we'll // load the parameter database scratch (except the first time where we // reuse the one we // just loaded a second ago). The reason we reload from scratch each // time is that the // experimenter is free to scribble all over the parameter database and // it'd be nice to // have everything fresh and clean. It doesn't take long to load the // database anyway, // it's usually small. for (int job = currentJob; job < numJobs; job++) { try { // load the parameter database (reusing the very first if it // exists) if (parameters == null) parameters = loadParameterDatabase(args); // Initialize the EvolutionState, then set its job variables state = initialize(parameters, job); // pass in job# as the seed // increment state.output.systemMessage("Job: " + job); state.job = new Object[1]; // make the job argument storage state.job[0] = new Integer(job); // stick the current job in our // job storage state.runtimeArguments = args; // stick the runtime arguments in // our storage if (numJobs > 1) // only if iterating (so we can be // backwards-compatible), { String jobFilePrefix = "job." + job + "."; state.output.setFilePrefix(jobFilePrefix); // add a prefix // for // checkpoint/output // files state.checkpointPrefix = jobFilePrefix + state.checkpointPrefix; // also set up checkpoint // prefix } // Here you can set up the EvolutionState's parameters further // before it's setup(...). // This includes replacing the random number generators, // changing values in state.parameters, // changing instance variables (except for job and // runtimeArguments, please), etc. // now we let it go state.run(EvolutionState.C_STARTED_FRESH); System.out.println(state.statistics.getClass()); if (inheritedFromClass(state.statistics, "ec.weka.StatisticsForWeka")) { StatisticsForWeka.bestOfJobs[currentJob] = ((StatisticsForWeka) state.statistics) .getBestSoFar(); } else { return new Individual[0][0]; } cleanup(state); // flush and close various streams, print out // parameters if necessary parameters = null; // so we load a fresh database next time // around } catch (Throwable e) // such as an out of memory error caused by // this job { e.printStackTrace(); state = null; System.gc(); // take a shot! } } return StatisticsForWeka.bestOfJobs; } public static void main(String[] args) { Individual[][] test = run(args); System.out.println(test.length); } }