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I am currently an associate professor in computer science at Université Côte d'Azur (Nice - France) since 2008/02. I have a habilitation in the conduct of research. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science (Computer Aided Design) in 2000/01 at University of Lorraine (Metz - France) and my master degree at University of Strasbourg (Strasbourg - France) in 1996/07. I spent 4 months (1997/09-1998/01) for a pre-doctoral position at ETS (Montreal - Canada), one year (1999/09-2000/08) as assistant professor (ATER) at University of Reims (Reims- France) and 7 years as an associate professor at University of Lyon (2000/09-2007/12). I was an invited teacher for one week at Institute of Technology in Carlow (Ireland) and for 4 weeks at Galatasaray University (Istanbul - Turkey). Finally, I spent 6 months in Cinvestav (Mexico) as CNRS researcher delegate in 2018.
So, I know what mobility means.

It is a real and great pleasure to work on the French Riviera, not only for the quality of research at the I3S lab and for the excellent courses taught at the computer science department of University Institute of Technology Nice-Côte d'Azur but also for beautiful panorama from my office (see above) and most of all because my wife is one of my colleagues.

If you have time and closed to Sophia-Antipolis (France), please visit me at building Templiers 1 of the Sophi@Tech campus or contact me using My e-mail.

Research Affiliation

Please, use this adress to send me traditionnal mails:

I3S Lab
Campus Sophi@Tech Bât. Les Templiers 1 - Bureau N°431
930 route des Colles - BP 145
06903 Sophia-Antipolis, France
Phone : (+33) 4 89 15 42 85

Teaching Affiliation

IUT de Nice-Côte d'Azur
Département Informatique
41, boulevard Napoléon III
06206 Nice Cedex 3, France
Phone : (+33) 4 97 25 82 11 / 4 97 25 83 07

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/19 15:15 by Denis Pallez