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I am working on hybridization of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) in a data mining context. EA are nature inspired and stochastic algorithms that mimic Darwin theory for problem optimization. As data mining deals now with Big Data, it is natural to consider EA for optimizing models (neural nets, association rules, decision trees, SVM…) produced by data mining algorithms used for classification, clustering, prediction and so on. Currently, I am co-supervising Romaric Pighetti with Pr. Precioso in the combination of SVM and EA for mining large scale image databases to deal with Content Based Image Retrieval.

I also investigated the use and adaptation of Evolutionary Computation (EC) for considering user preferences via Eye-Tracking technology in Interactive EC, water current prediction in Hydrology, abnormalities detection via NeuroEvolution in flights boarding, and more recently plant mining and flavors/olfactive receptors relationships (QSAR) in Chemistry…

Before 2007, I was interested by Computer Aided Design, Collaborative Design and Geometric modelling for manufactured products.


Most of my scientific production is refered by google_scholar.jpg which give us simple biblio analytics there.

List of Evolutionary Computation Conferences ordered by upcoming deadlines.


Industrial Collaborations with

  • Full Performance for web user behaviour modelling and prediction since 2013/09
  • Amadeus Sophia for flights boarding abnormalities prediction (2013/02-2013/07)

I participated to following past projects:

  • National Research Project (PEPS 2014-2015) in collaboration with UMR Espace and IRIT
  • ANR VISIIR (2013-2017)
  • CLIO (Chemogenomics Links in Olfactory Perception), CSI University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in 2014, Collaboration with ICN
  • BotanIR (Botanic Image Retrieval), CSI University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in 2013, Collaboration with ICN
  • Regional project COSMOCE (2003-2006)
  • Regional project 2IUF (2000-2003)
  • French Canadian & French Project IFC2F (1997-1999)
  • Regain Project (before 2000)

Scientific Influence

Scientific Valorization

  • Scientific Expert Jeune Entrepise Innovante (JEI) for Ministry of Higher Education and Research since 2012/05 (for French-Riviera and Languedoc-Rousillon administrative regions)


PhD Students

  • Romaric Pighetti (2012/12-now, Ministry of Higher Education and Research allocation) : Large scale content-based interactive retrieval in multimedia databases
  • Kamel Slimani (2003-2006) : multi-agency framework for co-design and data exchange

Master Students

  • Marco Carta Gullung (2014/03/17-2014/09) : Multimodal Evolutionary Algorithm for Content Based Image Retrieval
  • Betty Moreschini (2013/02-2013/07) : Machine Learning with NeuroEvolution for forecasting boarding data in Airline companies in collaboration with Amadeus Sophia
  • Romaric Pighetti (2012/03-2012/07) : Hybrid Content Based Image Retrieval combining Multi-objective Interactive Genetic Algorithm and SVM
  • Mihai Suciu (2012/05-2012/10) : Auto-adaptative and multiobjectif evolutionary algorithm for web services composition in collaboration with Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania thanks to international mobility program ECO-NET Egide
  • Florin-Claudiu Pop (2010/10-2010/12 & 2011/06-2011/07) : optimal web services composition in collaboration with Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania thanks to international mobility program ECO-NET Egide
  • Nabil Hammoud (2005) : survey on geomtric design by 2D sketching
  • Liu Jian (2003) : Managing consistency between several geometric models
  • Kinan Samaan (2001) : Towards a framework for cooperative design for 2IUF project

Undergraduate Students

  • Smart Password Generator (3 weeks in June 2013) : Ancelin Arnaud, Aliénor Diaz, Olivier Fauvel-Jaeger, Frédéric Guégan
  • Genetic Invasion (3 weeks in June 2011) : Clément Léger, Côme Bernigaud, Loïc Jean David Arjanen, Romaric Pighetti.
  • Webcam based Low-cost Eye-Tracker
research.1436175308.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/06 11:35 by Denis Pallez